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G61 版次: |
Lisa Maria Burgess, |
Playing with Osito - Jugando con Baby Bear: bilingual English and Spanish (Kids' Books from Here and There) / / , |
出版地: 出版社: Barranca Press, 出版日期: 2018. |
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Osito wants to play, but his fur is growing slowly and he's got the shivers. His new friend thinks covering this baby bear with honey and a coat of wildflowers is a good idea. Osito does get warm, but then the bees arrive, and he has to make a run for it!This charming story by Lisa Mar韆 Burgess is set in the mountains that traverse the US and Mexico, and takes inspiration from her childhood in the Sierra Madre of Chihuahua. In making the vibrant collages, Susan L. Roth created Osito and much of the landscape with tree bark paper, which has been made in Mexico since precolonial times. This story is bilingual for young readers, in English and Spanish.Baby Bear quiere jugar, pero su pelo est? creciendo muy lentamente: y eso lo hace temblar de fr韔. Su nueva amiga cree que cubrir a este osito con una capa de miel y flores silvestres es una buena idea. Con seguridad se sentir? calientito. Pero entonces las abejas llegan, y Baby Bear iene que salir corriendo para escapar!.Esta historia, escrita por Lisa Mar韆 Burgess, sucede en las monta馻s de la Sierra Madre que cruza los Estados Unidos y M閤ico, y se inspira en su infancia en la Sierra de Chihuahua.En la creaci髇 de sus hermosas ilustraciones, Susan L. Roth ha hecho a Baby Bear y gran parte del paisaje con el papel amate de corteza de 醨bol, que se ha hecho en M閤ico desde la 閜oca pre-colonial. Esta historia para ni駉s y j髒enes, es biling黣, en ingl閟 y espa駉l. |
Growing Up & Facts of Life |