李兰.中国企业家成长15年:1993-2008·中国企业家成长与发展报告.上,15 years' growth of Chinese entrepreneurs: Reports on the growth and development of Chinese entrepreneurs, Ⅰ.机械工业出版社,2009.
李兰.中国企业家成长15年:1993-2008·中国企业家成长与发展报告.下,15 years' growth of Chinese entrepreneurs: Reports on the growth and development of Chinese entrepreneurs,Ⅱ.机械工业出版社,2009.
李兰.中国企业家成长15年:1993-2008·中国企业家成长与发展报告.上,15 years' growth of Chinese entrepreneurs: Reports on the growth and development of Chinese entrepreneurs, Ⅰ.机械工业出版社,2009.1.
李兰.中国企业家成长15年:1993-2008·中国企业家成长与发展报告.下,15 years' growth of Chinese entrepreneurs: Reports on the growth and development of Chinese entrepreneurs,Ⅱ.机械工业出版社,2009.1.