北京大学马列主义研究所.伟大的探索:十一届三中全会以来中国共产党对科学社会主义理论的运用和发展:shi yi jie san zhong quan hui yi lai zhong guo gong chan dang dui ke xue she hui zhu yi li lun de yun yong he fa zhan.北京燕山出版社,1987.9.
伟大的探索:十一届三中全会以来中国共产党对科学社会主义理论的运用和发展:shi yi jie san zhong quan hui yi lai zhong guo gong chan dang dui ke xue she hui zhu yi li lun de yun yong he fa zhan
孙代尧.源远流长:科学社会主义与中国特色社会主义理论体系源流关系研究:a study on the source and course relationship between scientific socialism and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics.中国人民大学出版社,2019.
源远流长:科学社会主义与中国特色社会主义理论体系源流关系研究:a study on the source and course relationship between scientific socialism and the theoretical system of socialism with Chinese characteristics