格温.夏月帝国:夸纳·帕克与科曼奇印第安部落的兴衰:Quanah Parker and the rise and fall of the Comanches, the most powerful Indian Tribe in American history.社会科学文献出版社·甲骨文工作室(分社),2022.
格温.夏月帝国:夸纳·帕克与科曼奇印第安部落的兴衰:Quanah Parker and the rise and fall of the Comanches, the most powerful Indian Tribe in American history.社会科学文献出版社·甲骨文工作室(分社),2022.
格温.夏月帝国:夸纳·帕克与科曼奇印第安部落的兴衰:Quanah Parker and the rise and fall of the Comanches, the most powerful Indian Tribe in American history.社会科学文献出版社·甲骨文工作室(分社),2022.