斯温格尔.劫持:手机、电脑、游戏和社交媒体如何改变我们的大脑、行为与进化:how cell phones, computers, gaming, and social media are changing our brains, our behavior, and the evolution of our species.中信出版集团股份有限公司,2018.
劫持:手机、电脑、游戏和社交媒体如何改变我们的大脑、行为与进化:how cell phones, computers, gaming, and social media are changing our brains, our behavior, and the evolution of our species
斯温格尔.劫持:手机、电脑、游戏和社交媒体如何改变我们的大脑、行为与进化:how cell phones, computers, gaming, and social media are changing our brains, our behavior, and the evolution of our species.中信出版集团股份有限公司,2018.
劫持:手机、电脑、游戏和社交媒体如何改变我们的大脑、行为与进化:how cell phones, computers, gaming, and social media are changing our brains, our behavior, and the evolution of our species