检索条件: Algebra. ( 主题词 )
责任者 M. M. Postnikov
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2004
ISBN 978-0-48643-518-3
Foundations of Galois Theory
M. M. Postnikov.Dover Publications, Inc.,2004.
责任者 Hans Schneider
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,1989
ISBN 978-0-48666-014-1
Matrices and Linear Algebra
Hans Schneider.Dover Publications, Inc.,1989.
责任者 Klein, Felix ; Hedrick, E R ; Noble, C A
ISBN 978-0-48643-480-3
Elementary Mathematics from an Advanced Standpoint: Arithmetic, Algebra, Analysis
Klein, Felix ; Hedrick, E R ; Noble, C A.Dover Publications, Inc.,2004.
责任者 George E. Owen
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2003
ISBN 978-0-48642-808-6
Fundamentals of Scientific Mathematics
George E. Owen.Dover Publications, Inc.,2003.
责任者 Leveque, William J
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,1996
ISBN 978-0-48668-906-7
Fundamentals of Number Theory
Leveque, William J.Dover Publications, Inc.,1996.
责任者 Roman, Steven
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2005
ISBN 978-0-48644-139-9
The Umbral Calculus
Roman, Steven.Dover Publications, Inc.,2005.
责任者 Paul Waltman
ISBN 978-0-48643-478-0
A Second Course in Elementary Differential Equations
Paul Waltman.Dover Publications, Inc.,2004.
责任者 Richard W. Conway
ISBN 978-0-48642-817-8
Theory of Scheduling
Richard W. Conway.Dover Publications, Inc.,2003.
责任者 Flanders, Harley
ISBN 978-0-48666-169-8
Differential Forms with Applications to the Physical Sciences (Revised)
Flanders, Harley.Dover Publications, Inc.,1989.
责任者 Bradis, V M ; Minkovskii, L ; Kharcheva, A K
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2016
ISBN 978-0-48640-918-4
Lapses in Mathematical Reasoning
Bradis, V M ; Minkovskii, L ; Kharcheva, A K.Dover Publications, Inc.,2016.