检索条件: An autobiography and other writings / ( 任意词 )
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,2014.
ISBN 9780199675289 (hbk.) :
责任者 Anthony Trollope ; edited with an introduction and notes by Nicholas Shrimpton.
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,2016.
ISBN 9780199675296 (pbk.) :
出版信息 Penguin Books, ,2003, c1986.
ISBN 9780142437605 (pbk.) :
出版信息 Everyman's Library, Alfred A. Knopf, ,2015.
ISBN 9781101907603 (hbk.) :
责任者 Horne, Philip.,James, Henry,,James, Henry,,James, Henry,
出版信息 Literary Classics of the United States, Inc., ,c2016.
ISBN 9781598534719 :
责任者 Dews, C. L. Barney,McCullers, Carson,,McCullers, Carson,,McCullers, Carson,
出版信息 The Library of America, ,c2017.
ISBN 9781598535112 :