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the so-called 'canon tables' of the christian gospels are an absolutely remarkable feature of the early, late antique, and medieval christian manuscript cultures of east and west, the invention of which is commonly attributed to eusebius and dated to first decades of the fourth century ad. intended to host a technical device for structuring, organizing, and navigating the four gospels united in a single codex - and, in doing so, building upon and bringing to completion previous endeavours - the canon tables were apparently from the beginning a highly complex combination of text, numbers and images, that became an integral and fixed part of all the manuscripts containing the four gospels as sacred scripture of the christians and can be seen as exemplary for the formation, development and spreading of a specific christian manuscript culture across east and west ad 300 and 800.

in the footsteps of carl nordenfalk's masterly publication of 1938 and few following contributions, this book offers an updated overview on the topic of 'canon tables' in a comparative perspective and with a precise look at their context of origin, their visual appearance, their meaning, function and their usage in different times, domains, and cultures.

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  • this element covers the art produced in early medieval england from the departure of the romans to the early twelfth century, an art that shows the input of multi-ethnic artists, patrons, and influences as it develops over the centuries. art in early medieval england is an art of migrants and colonisers and the element considers the way in which it was defined and developed by the different groups that travelled to or settled on the island. it also explores some of the key forms and images that define the art of the period and the role of both material and artist/patron in their creation. art is an expression of identity, whether individual, regional, national, religious, or institutional, and this volume sheds light on the way art in early medieval england was and continues to be used to define particular identities, including that of the island on which it was produced (1)
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