检索条件: Artists in Paris ( 任意词 )
责任者 Cherry, Deborah.,Helland, Janice.
出版信息 Ashgate, ,c2006.
ISBN 0754631974 (alk. paper)
责任者 Martin Myrone.
出版信息 Paul Mellon Centre for Sudies in British Art, ,2020.
ISBN 9781913107154
责任者 Levy, Sophie.,Derouet, Christian.
出版信息 Musee d'Art Americain Giverny ; : ,2003.
ISBN 0520242076
责任者 Rose, Barbara.,Serwer, Jacquelyn Days.
出版信息 Little, Brown and Co. in association with the Corcoran Gallery of Art, ,c2002.
ISBN 082122798X (hardcover)