this book is a diary derived from the careful editing of a vast series of notebooks: a complete yet diverse ensemble of investigations, lecture notes, travel diaries, poems, short fictions, summaries, and projects. owing to the performance of her writing, the image created shows not only the life of an artist but also the way she transmits her experience, and how she conceives the current state of the arts. between self-help and an artistic frankenstein, this book covers ten years of atomized writing, scattered notes which have found their axis many years later. experience is considered to be a multisensorial collage, and drawing is a modest and subtle companion, but also a powerful tool to transform reality. for the author, writing is pouring life directly into notebooks: a mobile registry which records impressions at any time, and at its own pace.
reflections: the american collection of the columbus museum of art adds a novel and provocative element to the library of art museum collection catalogs. in the traditional manner, reflections features selected works—more than 125—from the museum’s collection, accompanied by concise essays by scholars of art who reflect on and respond to the distinctive aspects of each work.
to this customary approach, the editors have added what they term intersections essays: an examination of a well-known work of art from the differing perspectives of two authors—most of whom are not art historians. for instance, acclaimed writer joyce carol oates provides her perspective on george bellows and is joined by laurie bellows booth, an objects conservator and the painter’s granddaughter. the book includes ten of these compelling essays, including contributions by such authors as adam gopnik and alan trachtenberg.
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Babylon by bus : or, the true story of two friends who gave up their valuable franchise selling Yankees suck t-shirts at Fenway to find meaning and adventure in Iraq, where they became employed by the occupation in jobs for which they lacked qualification and witnessed much that amazed and disturbed them /
Neumann, Jeff.,Webster, Donovan..Penguin Press,,2006..