检索条件: Clark ( 著者 )
责任者 Trent Clark
出版信息 Wiley ,2024-08-20
ISBN 978-1-394-24772-1
Leading Winning Teams: How Teamwork, Motivation, And Strategy Achieve Big League Success
Trent Clark.Wiley,2024-08-20.
责任者 Katherine Clarke.
出版信息 Currency, ,[2023]
ISBN 9780593240069 (hbk.) :
Billionaires' row : tycoons, high rollers, and the epic race to build the world's most exclusive skyscrapers /
Katherine Clarke..Currency,,[2023].
责任者 Christopher Clark
出版信息 Crown ,2022
ISBN 9780525575207
European Spring
Christopher Clark.Crown,2022.
责任者 James Clarke
出版信息 ACC Art Books Ltd/ ACC Art Books Ltd. ,202104
ISBN 978-1-7888-4117-7
Michael Caine
James Clarke.ACC Art Books Ltd/ ACC Art Books Ltd.,202104.
责任者 Thomas Clarke.
出版信息 Cambridge University Press, ,2021.
ISBN 9781108964029 (pbk.) :
Corporate governance : a survey /
Thomas Clarke..Cambridge University Press,,2021..
责任者 Glen Clarke
出版信息 备考类 ,2020-11-06
ISBN 1-119-63355-9
Comptia Pentest+ Certification For Dummies
Glen Clarke.备考类,2020-11-06.
责任者 Rachel Clarke.
出版信息 Little, Brown, ,2020.
ISBN 9781408712887 (pbk.) :
Dear life : a doctor's story of love and loss /
Rachel Clarke..Little, Brown,,2020..
责任者 Michael Clarke.
出版信息 Cambridge University Press, ,2020.
ISBN 9781108481786
Achilles beside Gilgamesh : mortality and wisdom in early epic poetry /
Michael Clarke..Cambridge University Press,,2020..
出版信息 备考类 ,2019-08-30
ISBN 1-119-58106-0
Comptia A+(R) Certification All-In-One For Dummies(R), 5Th Edition
Glen Clarke.备考类,2019-08-30.
责任者 Malcolm Clark
出版信息 ,2019-08-23
ISBN 978-1-119-64297-8
Islam For Dummies
Malcolm Clark.,2019-08-23.