检索条件: Dirk Zeller ( 著者 )
责任者 Dirk Zeller
出版信息 经管 ,2019-04-19
ISBN 1-119-50884-3
Success Habits For Dummies
Dirk Zeller.经管,2019-04-19.
出版信息 经管 ,2017-03-24
ISBN 1-119-37183-X
Success As A Real Estate Agent For Dummies, 3Rd Edition
Dirk Zeller.经管,2017-03-24.
出版信息 经管 ,2015-03-13
ISBN 1-118-98266-5
Successful Time Management For Dummies, 2Nd Edition
Dirk Zeller.经管,2015-03-13.
出版信息 经管 ,2007-11-09
ISBN 0-47016-836-6
Telephone Sales For Dummies
Dirk Zeller.经管,2007-11-09.
责任者 Dirk Zeller.
出版信息 John Wiley and Sons, ,2015.
ISBN 9781118982662 :
Successful time management for dummies /
Dirk Zeller..John Wiley and Sons,,2015..
责任者 by Dirk Zeller.
出版信息 Wiley, ,c2008.
ISBN 9780470168363 :
Telephone sales for dummies /
by Dirk Zeller..Wiley,,c2008..
责任者 Zeller, Dirk.
出版信息 Wiley Publishing, ,c2014.
ISBN 9780730309116 :
Success as a real estate agent for dummies /
Zeller, Dirk..Wiley Publishing,,c2014..
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, ,c2019.
ISBN 9781119508847 :
Success habits /
by Dirk Zeller..John Wiley & Sons,,c2019..
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ,c2017.
ISBN 9781119371830 :
by Dirk Zeller..John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,,c2017..
责任者 Adams, Juliet.,Portny, Stan.,Loeb, Marshall.,Kindel, Stephen.,Zeller, Dirk.,Canavor, Natalie,,Anthony, Ray.,Boyd, Barbara,Donaldson, Michael C..
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ,2017.
ISBN 9781119363088 :
Career development : all-in-one /
Adams, Juliet.,Portny, Stan.,Loeb, Marshall.,Kindel, Stephen.,Zeller, Dirk.,Canavor, Natalie,,Anthony, Ray.,Boyd, Barbara,Donaldson, Michael C...John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,,2017..