检索条件: Graduate students ( 主题词 )
责任者 Jocelyn Hargrave
出版信息 ,28/02/2022
ISBN 978-1-108-79194-6
Teaching Publishing and Editorial Practice
Jocelyn Hargrave.,28/02/2022.
责任者 Roman, Steven
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2005
ISBN 978-0-48644-139-9
The Umbral Calculus
Roman, Steven.Dover Publications, Inc.,2005.
责任者 Stephen E. Tabachnick
出版信息 ,2017-10-08
ISBN 978-1-107-51971-8
The Cambridge Companion to the Graphic Novel
Stephen E. Tabachnick.,2017-10-08.
责任者 Martin Davis
ISBN 978-0-48644-229-7
Applied Nonstandard Analysis
Martin Davis.Dover Publications, Inc.,2005.
责任者 David Bleecker
ISBN 978-0-48644-546-5
Gauge Theory and Variational Principles
David Bleecker.Dover Publications, Inc.,2005.
责任者 Bender, Edward A
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2000
ISBN 978-0-48641-180-4
An Introduction to Mathematical Modeling
Bender, Edward A.Dover Publications, Inc.,2000.
责任者 Jacqueline Waeber
ISBN 978-0-5215-3046-0
The Cambridge Companion to Seventeenth-Century Opera
Jacqueline Waeber.,28/02/2022.
责任者 Deirdre Osborne
出版信息 ,20/10/2016
ISBN 978-1-316-50480-2
The Cambridge Companion to British Black and Asian Literature (1945–2010)
Deirdre Osborne.,20/10/2016.
责任者 Steven Meyer
出版信息 ,2018-03-05
ISBN 978-1-107-43903-0
The Cambridge Companion to Literature and Science
Steven Meyer.,2018-03-05.
责任者 Herbert Wilf
出版信息 Dover Publications ,2006
ISBN 978-0-48645-038-4
Mathematics for the Physical Sciences (Dover Books on Mathematics)
Herbert Wilf.Dover Publications,2006.