检索条件: Greene, Peter. ( 任意词 )
出版信息 Harvard Business School Pub., ,c2008.
ISBN 9781422126431 (pbk. : alk. paper) :
责任者 Paul A. Reynolds (Author); Peter H. Reynolds (Illustrator)
出版信息 Charlesbridge ,2023-03-14
ISBN 978-1-5808-9678-8
出版信息 Bloomsbury, ,2017.
ISBN 9781408851333 :
Uncle Gobb and the green heads : a story in twenty-three chapters and two half-chapters (with helpful advice, helpful information, genies, baked beans, flashbacks, lizards, jumblies, weasels and mud supplied at no extra cost) /
by Michael Rosen ; with excruciatingly superb pictures full of helpful advice, weasels and baked beans by Neal Layton..Bloomsbury,,2017..