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the so-called 'canon tables' of the christian gospels are an absolutely remarkable feature of the early, late antique, and medieval christian manuscript cultures of east and west, the invention of which is commonly attributed to eusebius and dated to first decades of the fourth century ad. intended to host a technical device for structuring, organizing, and navigating the four gospels united in a single codex - and, in doing so, building upon and bringing to completion previous endeavours - the canon tables were apparently from the beginning a highly complex combination of text, numbers and images, that became an integral and fixed part of all the manuscripts containing the four gospels as sacred scripture of the christians and can be seen as exemplary for the formation, development and spreading of a specific christian manuscript culture across east and west ad 300 and 800.

in the footsteps of carl nordenfalk's masterly publication of 1938 and few following contributions, this book offers an updated overview on the topic of 'canon tables' in a comparative perspective and with a precise look at their context of origin, their visual appearance, their meaning, function and their usage in different times, domains, and cultures.

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  • competing germanies reveals interchange and even mimicry between antifascist and nationalist german cultural institutions. furthermore, performances at both theaters also fit into contemporary invocations of diasporas, including taboos and postponements of return to the native country, connections among multiple communities, and forms of longing, memory, and (dis)identification. sharply divergent at first glance, their shared condition as cultural institutions of emigrant populations caused the antifascist free german stage and the nationalist german theater to adopt parallel tactics in community-building, intercultural relationships, and dramatic performance.

    its cross-cultural, polyglot blend of german, jewish, and latin american studies gives competing germanies a wide, interdisciplinary academic appeal and offers a novel intervention in exile studies through the lens of theater, in which both victims of nazism and its adherents remain in focus.

    (来源indiebound) (2)'>

    following world war ii, german antifascists and nationalists in buenos aires believed theater was crucial to their highly politicized efforts at community-building, and each population devoted considerable resources to competing against its rival onstage. competing germanies tracks the paths of several stage actors from european theaters to buenos aires and explores how two of argentina's most influential immigrant groups, german nationalists and antifascists (jewish and non-jewish), clashed on the city's stages. covered widely in german- and spanish-language media, theatrical performances articulated strident nazi, antifascist, and zionist platforms. meanwhile, as their thespian representatives grappled onstage for political leverage among emigrants and argentines, behind the curtain, conflicts simmered within partisan institutions and among theatergoers. publicly they projected unity, but offstage nationalist, antifascist, and zionist populations were rife with infighting on issues of political allegiance, cultural identity and, especially, integration with their argentine hosts.

    competing germanies reveals interchange and even mimicry between antifascist and nationalist german cultural institutions. furthermore, performances at both theaters also fit into contemporary invocations of diasporas, including taboos and postponements of return to the native country, connections among multiple communities, and forms of longing, memory, and (dis)identification. sharply divergent at first glance, their shared condition as cultural institutions of emigrant populations caused the antifascist free german stage and the nationalist german theater to adopt parallel tactics in community-building, intercultural relationships, and dramatic performance.

    its cross-cultural, polyglot blend of german, jewish, and latin american studies gives competing germanies a wide, interdisciplinary academic appeal and offers a novel intervention in exile studies through the lens of theater, in which both victims of nazism and its adherents remain in focus.

    (来源indiebound) (2)
  • little mosque had to erase visible signs of difference in order to reach a broad audience. this paradox of 'saleable diversity' challenges conventional ideas about the ways in which sitcoms integrate minorities into the mainstream.


    in 2007, little mosque on the prairie premiered on the canadian broadcasting corporation network. it told the story of a mosque community that worshiped in the basement of an anglican church. it was a bona fide hit, running for six seasons and playing on networks all over the world.

    kyle conway's textual analysis and in-depth research, including interviews from the show's creator, executive producers, writers, and cbc executives, reveals the many ways muslims have and have not been integrated into north american television. despite a desire to showcase the diversity of muslims in canada, the makers of little mosque had to erase visible signs of difference in order to reach a broad audience. this paradox of 'saleable diversity' challenges conventional ideas about the ways in which sitcoms integrate minorities into the mainstream.

  • "a very stimulating book ... in a class by itself." -- american mathematicalmonthly advanced students, mathematicians and number theorists will welcome this stimulating treatment of advanced number theory, which approaches the complex topic of algebraic number theory from a historical standpoint, taking pains to show the reader how concepts, definitions and theories have evolved during the last two centuries. moreover, the book abounds with numerical examples and more concrete, specific theorems than are found in most contemporary treatments of the subject. the book is divided into three parts. part i is concerned with background material -- a synopsis of elementary number theory (including quadratic congruences and the jacobi symbol), characters of residue class groups via the structure theorem for finite abelian groups, first notions of integral domains, modules and lattices, and such basis theorems as kronecker's basis theorem for abelian groups. part ii discusses ideal theory in quadratic fields, with chapters on unique factorization and units, unique factorization into ideals, norms and ideal classes (in particular, minkowski's theorem), and class structure in quadratic fields. applications of this material are made in part iii to class number formulas and primes in arithmetic progression, quadratic reciprocity in the rational domain and the relationship between quadratic forms and ideals, including the theory of composition, orders and genera. in a final concluding survey of more recent developments, dr. cohn takes up cyclotomic fields and gaussian sums, class fields and global and local viewpoints. in addition to numerous helpful diagrams and tables throughout the text, appendices, and an annotated bibliography, advanced number theory also includes over 200 problems specially designed to stimulate the spirit of experimentation which has traditionally ruled number theory. show more (1)
  • "for high school seniors or college freshmen with a background in algebra and trigonometry, the book should provide a good introduction to matrices, vector algebra, analytical geometry, and calculus. the work's solid modern mathematical content and its personality recommend consideration as a text or as stimulating supplementary reading." -- american scientist "the book is well written and the presentation throughout achieves clarity of thought with a minimum of computational effort." -- physics today this rewarding text, beautifully illustrated by the author and written with superb clarity, offers undergraduate students a solid mathematical background and functions equally well for independent study. the five-part treatment begins with geometry, defining three-dimensional euclidean space and its axioms, the coordinate system and coordinate transformation, and matrices. a review of vector algebra covers vector properties, multiplication, the resolution of a vector along a complete set of base vectors, and vector transformations. topics in analytic geometry introduce loci, straight lines, the plane, two-dimensional curves, and the quadratic form. functions are defined, as are intervals, along with multiplicity, the slope at a point, continuity, and areas. the concluding chapter, on differential and integral calculus, explains the concept of a limit, the derivative, the integral, differential equations, and applications of the calculus to kinematics. show more (1)
  • a beautiful, collectible and classic picture book, lavishly embossed and foiled, christmas comes to moominvalley is the perfect gift for moomin fans of all ages. an exquisitely illustrated re-telling of tove jansson's classic story the fir tree, in which the moomins are woken up from their winter sleep to be told that 'christmas' is coming. the only trouble is, the moomins have no idea who, or what christmas is . . . with a sensitively adapted picture book text that captures tove jansson's uniquely wise, perceptive and original voice, paired with delicate, painterly illustrations full of character and detail and based on jansson's original drawings and colour plates, this collectable picture book edition introduces a new generation of readers to the loveable moomin family and friends and their special values of tolerance, kindness and integrity, as they prepare for their first christmas, and try to solve the puzzle of what 'christmas' really means (1)
  • a simple system to change your dating destiny--and it really works! love starts within you and flows out into the world, not the other way around. this book helps you remove blocks to allow true love into your life. you will attract the right life partner and improve your relationships through a simple three-step plan that uses self-hypnosis to get your mind in the right place for love. first, you'll learn to let go of disempowering beliefs in your subconscious mind. in step two, you'll overcome emotional and behavioral barriers and allow space for true romance. finally, you'll discover how to integrate your new vision of yourself into your life to attract a happy relationship.shows how to use self-hypnosis to get yourself and your life ready for loveoffers an easy-to-follow action plan to clear out old baggage, boost self-confidence, and allow space for romanceincludes exercises to help you uncover and let go of disempowering beliefs and insecurities written by a certified clinical hypnotherapist and dating expert who has been interviewed by match.com, msn, lavalife, abc news, playboy radio, and expertvillage.com let love in will create permanent positive changes to your self-confidence that will not only attract mr. right but will affect virtually every area of your life as well. show more (1)
  • an approachable and stimulating introduction to anglo-saxon literature, this book provides indispensable guidance for students on this important and rewarding area of literary studies. the chapters are clearly organized by topic and significant attention is paid to key individual works, including beowulf, the seafarer and writings by bede. all textual quotations are translated into modern english, with the original language texts carefully explained. the introduction synthesizes and develops dominant approaches to anglo-saxon literature today, integrating old english and latin traditions, and placing the literature in larger historical and theoretical contexts. the structure, style and layout are attractive and user-friendly, including illustrative figures and textboxes, and magennis provides guidance on resources for studying anglo-saxon literature, informing the reader of opportunities for investigating the subject further. overall, the book enables a thorough understanding and appreciation of artful and eloquent works from a distant past, which still speak powerfully to people today (1)
  • an integrated approach to acting for stage and screen (1)
  • an integrative perspective (1)
  • broadband communication systems (1)
  • corey grace - a handsome and charismatic republican senator from ohio - is plunged by an act of terrorism into a fierce presidential primary battle with the favorite of the party establishment and a magnetic leader of the christian right. a decorated gulf war pilot, grace insists on voting his own conscience rather than the party line, and this stubborn independence - together with his growing romance with lexie hart, an african-american movie star - has earned him a reputation as an unpredictable iconoclast. but grace is still haunted by a tragic mistake buried deep in his past, and now his integrity will be put to the test in this most brutal of political contests, in which nothing in his past or present life is off-limits. a vivid and sometimes frightening depiction of contemporary power politics, the race culminates in a deadlocked and febrile party convention where grace must resolve the conflict between his feelings for lexie and his presidential ambitions - and decide just who and what he is willing to sacrifice. show more (1)
  • entrepreneurship underpins many roles within the publishing industry, from freelancing to bookselling. entrepreneurs are shaped by the contexts in which their entrepreneurship is situated (social, political, economic, and national). additionally, entrepreneurship is integral to occupational identity for book publishing entrepreneurs. this element examines entrepreneurship through the lens of identity and narrative based on interview data with book publishing entrepreneurs in the us book publishing entrepreneurship narratives of independence, culture over commerce, accidental profession, place, risk, (in)stability, busyness, and freedom are examined in this element (1)
  • even the simplest social interactions require us to gather, integrate, and act upon, multiple streams of information about others and our surroundings. in this element, we discuss how perceptual processes provide us with an accurate account of action-relevant information in social contexts. we overview contemporary theories and research that explores how: (1) individuals perceive others' mental states and actions, (2) individuals perceive affordances for themselves, others, and the dyad, and (3) how social contexts guide our attention to modulate what we perceive. finally, we review work on the cognitive mechanisms that make joint action possible and discuss their links to perception (1)
  • frame relay (data transmission) (1)
  • geared toward undergraduate mathematics majors, engineering students, and future high school mathematics teachers, this text offers an understanding of the principles involved in numerical analysis. its main theme is interpolation from the standpoint of finite differences, least squares theory, and harmonic analysis. additional considerations include the numerical solutions of ordinary differential equations and approximations through fourier series. discussions of the relationships between the calculus of finite differences and the calculus of infinitesimals will prove especially important to future teachers of mathematics. more than seventy worked-out illustrative examples are featured; some include solutions by different methods, showing the relative merits of a variety of approaches. over 280 multipart exercises range from drill problems to those requiring some degree of ingenuity on the part of the student. answers are provided to problems with numerical solutions. the only prerequisites are a grasp of differential and integral calculus and some familiarity with determinants. an appendix containing definitions and several theorems from elementary determinant theory is included. show more (1)
  • how does a person judge what is ethical? you know enron's leaders were in the wrong but is it always easy to see where the line is in your life? what is the standard? can it work in all situations? john c maxwell thinks it can. when the bestselling author, successful businessman and former pastor was asked his thoughts on business ethics his response was 'there's no such thing - only ethics!'. maxwell asserts that there's an ethical standard for all behaviour and you might be surprised what it's based on. did you know that a variation of the golden rule exists in every major religion? in ethics 101, maxwell shows how people can live with integrity by using the golden rule as their standard - regardless of religion, culture or circumstances. along the way he delves into the desires of the human heart, reveals the five most common causes that get people off track ethically and teaches how to develop the midas touch when it comes to integrity. show more (1)
  • in the mathematical subfield of numerical analysis, interpolation is a procedure that assists in "reading between the lines" in a set of tables by constructing new data points from existing points. this rigorous presentation employs only formulas for which it is possible to calculate error limits. subjects include displacement symbols and differences, divided differences, formulas of interpolation, factorial coefficients, numerical differentiation, and construction of tables. additional topics include inverse interpolation, elementary methods of summation, repeated summation, mechanical quadrature, numerical integration of differential equations, the calculus of symbols, interpolation with several variables, and mechanical cubature. 1950 edition. show more (1)
  • in this element, a framework is proposed in which it is assumed that visual selection is the result of the interaction between top-down, bottom-up and selection-history factors. the element discusses top-down attentional engagement and suppression, bottom-up selection by abrupt onsets and static singletons as well as lingering biases due to selection-history entailing priming, reward and statistical learning. we present an integrated framework in which biased competition among these three factors drives attention in a winner-take-all-fashion. we speculate which brain areas are likely to be involved and how signals representing these three factors feed into the priority map which ultimately determines selection (1)
  • integrated services digital networks (1)
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