检索条件: Learning made easy. ( 任意词 )
责任者 Massaron, Luca.
出版信息 John Wiley and Sons, Inc., ,2019.
ISBN 9781119543046 :
Deep learning for dummies /
Massaron, Luca..John Wiley and Sons, Inc.,,2019..
责任者 by Mary Jane Sterling.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons Inc, ,c2018.
ISBN 9781119476368 :
Finite math /
by Mary Jane Sterling..John Wiley & Sons Inc,,c2018..
责任者 Schmidt, Lars
出版信息 For Dummies, ,c2017.
ISBN 9781119071648 :
Employer branding /
Schmidt, Lars.For Dummies,,c2017..
责任者 by Bob LeVitus.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons Inc., ,2020.
ISBN 9781119607885 :
MacOS Catalina /
by Bob LeVitus..John Wiley & Sons Inc.,,2020..
责任者 by Rosemarie Withee and Ken Withee.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ,c2019.
ISBN 9781119550655 :
Microsoft SharePoint for dummies /
by Rosemarie Withee and Ken Withee..John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,,c2019..
责任者 by Perry van Beek, founder, Social.ONE.
出版信息 Wiley, ,c2018.
ISBN 9781119427681 :
LinkedIn Sales Navigator /
by Perry van Beek, founder, Social.ONE..Wiley,,c2018..
责任者 by Matt Krantz.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ,c2020.
ISBN 9781119627579 :
Retirement planning /
by Matt Krantz..John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,,c2020..
责任者 by Joseph Schmuller, PhD.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ,c2018.
ISBN 9781119446187 :
R projects /
by Joseph Schmuller, PhD..John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,,c2018..
责任者 by Ronda Racha Penrice.
出版信息 John Wiley and Sons, ,c2021.
ISBN 9781119780854 :
Black American history /
by Ronda Racha Penrice..John Wiley and Sons,,c2021..
责任者 by Alyson Connolly.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, Inc. ,c2018.
ISBN 9781119335573 :
Public speaking skills for dummies /
by Alyson Connolly..John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,c2018..