检索条件: Measurement ( 主题词 )
责任者 Robert A. Cummins
出版信息 ,17/05/2018
ISBN 978-1-108-46169-6
Measuring and Interpreting Subjective Wellbeing in Different Cultural Contexts
Robert A. Cummins.,17/05/2018.
责任者 Ryan J. Persram
出版信息 ,14/10/2021
ISBN 978-1-108-98652-6
Measurement Burst Designs to Improve Precision in Peer Research
Ryan J. Persram.,14/10/2021.
责任者 LeBlanc, Hugues
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2006
ISBN 978-0-48644-980-7
Statistical and Inductive Probabilities
LeBlanc, Hugues.Dover Publications, Inc.,2006.
责任者 Benjamin Smith
出版信息 ,22/04/2021
ISBN 978-1-108-70241-6
Rethinking the Resource Curse
Benjamin Smith.,22/04/2021.
责任者 Stephanie C. Goodhew
出版信息 ,18/06/2020
ISBN 978-1-108-79621-7
The Breadth of Visual Attention
Stephanie C. Goodhew.,18/06/2020.
责任者 Editor: Paul-Bernhard
出版信息 Nova Science ,2017
ISBN 978-1612092218
Examination of Untreated and Treated Oil Paint Surfaces by 3D-Measurement Technology
Editor: Paul-Bernhard.Nova Science,2017.
责任者 Jaakko Tahkokallio
出版信息 ,2019-06-06
ISBN 978-1-108-71377-1
The Anglo-Norman Historical Canon
Jaakko Tahkokallio.,2019-06-06.
责任者 Richard W. Conway
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2003
ISBN 978-0-48642-817-8
Theory of Scheduling
Richard W. Conway.Dover Publications, Inc.,2003.
责任者 Morse, Philip M ; Kimball, George E ; Gass, Saul I
ISBN 978-0-48643-234-2
Methods of Operations Research
Morse, Philip M ; Kimball, George E ; Gass, Saul I.Dover Publications, Inc.,2003.
责任者 Andrew Yeo
出版信息 ,2021-04-11
ISBN 978-1-108-74479-9
State, Society and Markets in North Korea
Andrew Yeo.,2021-04-11.