检索条件: Modern Art Oxford. ( 任意词 )
责任者 David Hopkins.
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,2018.
ISBN 0-199-21845-5
After modern art : 1945-2017 /
David Hopkins..Oxford University Press,,2018..
责任者 Alan Colquhoun.
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,2002.
ISBN 9780192842268 :
Modern architecture /
Alan Colquhoun..Oxford University Press,,2002..
责任者 Goldschmidt, Nora
出版信息 OUP Oxford ,2024-03-07
ISBN 978-0-192-86340-9
Fragmentary Modernism
Goldschmidt, Nora.OUP Oxford,2024-03-07.
责任者 Cotter, Suzanne.,Swain, Miria.
出版信息 Modern Art Oxford, ,2004.
ISBN 1901352234
Jannis Kounellis.
Cotter, Suzanne.,Swain, Miria..Modern Art Oxford,,2004..
责任者 Alys Moody.
ISBN 9780198828891 (hardcover) :
The art of hunger : aesthetic autonomy and the afterlives of modernism /
Alys Moody..Oxford University Press,,2018..
责任者 Nell Andrew.
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,[2020]
ISBN 9780190057275 (hbk.) :
Moving modernism : the urge to abstraction in painting, dance, cinema /
Nell Andrew..Oxford University Press,,[2020].
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,2020.
ISBN 9780190057282 (pbk.) :
Nell Andrew..Oxford University Press,,2020..
责任者 Harte, Liam.
ISBN 9780198754893
The Oxford handbook of modern Irish fiction /
Harte, Liam..Oxford University Press,,2020..
责任者 Mark Byers.
ISBN 9780198813255
Charles Olson and American modernism : the practice of the self /
Mark Byers..,.
责任者 Max Saunders.
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,2023.
ISBN 9780198886440 :
Imagined futures : writing, science, and modernity in the To-day and To-morrow book series, 1923-31 /
Max Saunders..Oxford University Press,,2023..