检索条件: New York stories / ( 任意词 )
责任者 Vicky Shipton ; series editors Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter.
出版信息 Pearson Education, ,2008.
ISBN 9781405881975 :
New York /
Vicky Shipton ; series editors Andy Hopkins and Jocelyn Potter..Pearson Education,,2008..
责任者 John Grisham.
出版信息 A DELL Book, ,2010.
ISBN 9780440296447 (pbk.) :
Ford County : stories /
John Grisham..A DELL Book,,2010..
责任者 Tesdell, Diana Secker.
出版信息 Alfred A. Knopf, ,c2011.
ISBN 9780307594938 :
New York stories /
Tesdell, Diana Secker..Alfred A. Knopf,,c2011..
责任者 (韩)权润珠
出版信息 鹭江出版社 ,2014
ISBN 978-7-5459-0723-0
喵2:纽约故事 = New York story by Snowcat
责任者 Tang, Charles,
出版信息 A. Whitman, ,1999.
ISBN 9780807554593 (hbk) :
The mystery in New York /
Tang, Charles,.A. Whitman,,1999..
责任者 Schories, Pat.
出版信息 HarperCollins Publishers, ,2000.
ISBN 9780064443081:
Biscuit's new trick /
Schories, Pat..HarperCollins Publishers,,2000..
责任者 Tania de Regil.
出版信息 Candlewick Press, ,2019.
ISBN 9781536201932 :
A new home /
Tania de Regil..Candlewick Press,,2019..
出版信息 Island Books, ,2001, c2000.
ISBN 0440236673 (pbk.) :
The brethren /
John Grisham..Island Books,,2001, c2000..
责任者 阿莱赫姆
出版信息 Dover Publications Inc ,2000
ISBN 0-486-41419-1
Happy New Year! and Other Stories
阿莱赫姆.Dover Publications Inc,2000.
责任者 Lee, Jared.
出版信息 Scholastic Inc., ,2004.
ISBN 9780545085434 :
The new kid from the black lagoon /
Lee, Jared..Scholastic Inc.,,2004..