检索条件: Photography art ( 任意词 )
出版信息 1 ,New Visions in Contemporary Photographic Culture
ISBN 978-1-350-13774-5
责任者 Anna Fox, Natasha Caruana, Anna Fox and Natasha Caruana
出版信息 2 ,Behind the Image
ISBN 978-1-350-01049-9
责任者 Edited by Aileen Blaney and Chinar Shar
出版信息 1 ,From Archives to Contemporary Practice
ISBN 978-1-350-14138-4
责任者 Edited by Jordan Bear and Kate Palmer Albers
出版信息 1 ,Histories and Contexts
ISBN 978-1-350-14307-4
责任者 Edited by Darren Newbury, Lorena Rizzo and Kylie Thomas
出版信息 1 ,Creative Practices and Feminist Challenges
ISBN 978-1-350-13656-4