检索条件: Political science. ( 主题词 )
责任者 Rob Goldstone
出版信息 Oui2 Entertainment ,201810
ISBN 978-1-7326-8622-9
Pop Stars, Pageants & Presidents
Rob Goldstone.Oui2 Entertainment,201810.
责任者 Shapiro, Michael J
出版信息 OUP USA ,2023-01-24
ISBN 978-0-197-67035-4
Aesthetics of Equality
Shapiro, Michael J.OUP USA,2023-01-24.
责任者 Allen-Paisant, Jason
出版信息 OUP Oxford ,2024-05-06
ISBN 978-0-192-86722-3
Engagements with Aime Cesaire
Allen-Paisant, Jason.OUP Oxford,2024-05-06.
责任者 Quaglia, Lucia; Moschella, Manuela; Spendzharova, Aneta
出版信息 OUP Oxford ,2024-03-22
ISBN 978-0-192-84642-6
European Political Economy: Theoretical Approaches and Policy Issues
Quaglia, Lucia; Moschella, Manuela; Spendzharova, Aneta.OUP Oxford,2024-03-22.
责任者 Harald Welzer
出版信息 Polity ,2023-08-28
ISBN 978-1-5095-5587-1
The Culture Of Stopping
Harald Welzer.Polity,2023-08-28.
责任者 Christopher Z. Mooney
出版信息 ,2021-07-01
ISBN 978-1-108-95832-5
The Study of US State Policy Diffusion
Christopher Z. Mooney.,2021-07-01.
责任者 Joshua L. Cherniss
出版信息 ,22/11/2018
ISBN 978-1-316-50305-8
The Cambridge Companion to Isaiah Berlin
Joshua L. Cherniss.,22/11/2018.
责任者 Daniel Béland
出版信息 ,30/05/2019
ISBN 978-1-108-72183-7
How Ideas and Institutions Shape the Politics of Public Policy
Daniel Béland.,30/05/2019.
责任者 Rens Vliegenthart
出版信息 ,17/06/2021
ISBN 978-1-108-94808-1
Economic News
Rens Vliegenthart.,17/06/2021.
责任者 James A. Stimson
出版信息 ,2020-09-04
ISBN 978-1-108-81979-4
Converging on Truth
James A. Stimson.,2020-09-04.