检索条件: Reed, ( 著者 )
责任者 Sandra Reed
出版信息 备考类 ,2021-01-08
ISBN 1-119-72489-9
Phr/Sphr Exam For Dummies, 2Nd Edition With Online Practice
Sandra Reed.备考类,2021-01-08.
责任者 Jennifer Reed
出版信息 计算机 ,2019-02-01
ISBN 1-119-53913-7
Microsoft 365 Business For Admins For Dummies
Jennifer Reed.计算机,2019-02-01.
责任者 Arden Reed.
出版信息 University of California Press, ,2019.
ISBN 9780520300583 :
Slow art : the experience of looking, sacred images to James Turrell /
Arden Reed..University of California Press,,2019..
责任者 Reed, Nathan.
出版信息 Hodder Children's Books, ,2019.
ISBN 9781444942125 :
Think big /
Reed, Nathan..Hodder Children's Books,,2019..
责任者 Ishmael Reed.
出版信息 Penguin Classics, ,2018.
ISBN 9780241315194 :
Flight to Canada /
Ishmael Reed..Penguin Classics,,2018..
出版信息 Penguin Classics, ,2017.
ISBN 9780241305812 :
Mumbo jumbo /
Ishmael Reed..Penguin Classics,,2017..
责任者 Anthony Reed.
出版信息 Johns Hopkins University Press, ,2014.
ISBN 9781421415208 (hbk.) :
Freedom time : the poetics and politics of black experimental writing /
Anthony Reed..Johns Hopkins University Press,,2014..
责任者 Reed, Mary
出版信息 Wiley Pub., ,c2009.
ISBN 9780470411513 (pbk.) :
Divorce for dummies /
Reed, Mary.Wiley Pub.,,c2009..
ISBN 9780470411513 :
出版信息 Wiley, ,2007.
ISBN 9780470084861 (pbk.)
Managing debt for dummies /
Reed, Mary.Wiley,,2007..