检索条件: Sandy ( 著者 )
责任者 Sandy James
出版信息 Forever ,2018-02-13
ISBN 978-1-45559-560-0
Can't Let Her Go
Sandy James.Forever,2018-02-13.
出版信息 Forever ,2017-10-10
ISBN 978-1-45559-558-7
Can't Walk Away
Sandy James.Forever,2017-10-10.
出版信息 Forever ,2015-04-21
ISBN 978-1-45553-338-1
Fringe Benefits
Sandy James.Forever,2015-04-21.
出版信息 Forever ,2014-11-04
ISBN 978-1-45555-894-0
Sealing the Deal
Sandy James.Forever,2014-11-04.
出版信息 Forever ,2014-05-06
ISBN 978-1-45557-522-0
The Bottom Line
Sandy James.Forever,2014-05-06.
责任者 Sumerfield, Sandi,
出版信息 International Society for Technology in Education, ,[2018]
ISBN 9781564846860 (pbk)
Learning supercharged : digital age strategies and insights from the edtech frontier /
Sumerfield, Sandi,.International Society for Technology in Education,,[2018].
责任者 Sandy Dipierro
出版信息 Balboa Press, ,2015.
ISBN 9781504338486
How Snowflake Finds Her Courage /
Sandy Dipierro.Balboa Press,,2015..
责任者 Sandi Mann
出版信息 John Murray One ,2014-08-29
ISBN 978-1-47180-161-7
Emotion: All That Matters
Sandi Mann.John Murray One,2014-08-29.
责任者 Sandy Jones
出版信息 Sterling ,201403
ISBN 978-1-40275-816-4
Great Expectations: The Toddler Years: Everything You Need to Know about Your 1- To 3-Year-Old
Sandy Jones.Sterling,201403.
责任者 Sandy Isenstadt.
出版信息 Cambridge University Press, ,2014.
ISBN 9781107675063 :
The modern American house : spaciousness and middle-class identity /
Sandy Isenstadt..Cambridge University Press,,2014..