检索条件: Scandals ( 主题词 )
责任者 Strachman, Daniel a
出版信息 Wiley ,2010
ISBN 978-0-47063-025-9
Gsi Hedge Funds 3e
Strachman, Daniel a.Wiley,2010.
责任者 Haugen, Peter
出版信息 Wiley ,2008
ISBN 978-0-47004-126-0
Was Napoleon Poisoned?: And Other Unsolved Mysteries of Royal History
Haugen, Peter.Wiley,2008.
责任者 Kate Felus
出版信息 I.B.Tauris Publishers ,2016
ISBN 978-1-7845-3572-8
Secret Life of the Georgian Garden, The
Kate Felus.I.B.Tauris Publishers,2016.
责任者 Sean Latham
出版信息 ,2014-11-12
ISBN 978-1-107-42390-9
The Cambridge Companion to Ulysses
Sean Latham.,2014-11-12.
责任者 Richard Lansdown
出版信息 ,29/03/2012
ISBN 978-0-5211-2873-5
The Cambridge Introduction to Byron
Richard Lansdown.,29/03/2012.
责任者 Michael Schoenfeldt
出版信息 ,2010-07-10
ISBN 978-0-5217-0507-3
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's Poetry
Michael Schoenfeldt.,2010-07-10.
责任者 Emilie Pine
出版信息 Indiana University Press ,2020
ISBN 978-0-253-04950-6
The Memory Marketplace
Emilie Pine.Indiana University Press,2020.
责任者 Colin, Beatrice
出版信息 John Murray Publishers ,2009
ISBN 978-1-84854-031-6
The Luminous Life of Lilly Aphrodite
Colin, Beatrice.John Murray Publishers,2009.
责任者 Levine, Michael
出版信息 Harper ,2008
ISBN 978-0-06-143852-3
Guerrilla P.R. 2.0
Levine, Michael.Harper,2008.
责任者 McDougal, Dennis
ISBN 978-0-47042-282-3
Five Easy Decades: How Jack Nicholson Became the Biggest Movie Star in Modern Times
McDougal, Dennis.Wiley,2008.