检索条件: Selling for dummies / ( 任意词 )
责任者 Belinda Ellsworth
出版信息 经管 ,2015-09-29
ISBN 1-119-07648-X
Direct Selling For Dummies
Belinda Ellsworth.经管,2015-09-29.
责任者 Ben Kench
出版信息 经管 ,2013-02-01
ISBN 1-118-48943-8
Selling For Dummies, 2E
Ben Kench.经管,2013-02-01.
责任者 Michael Lee
出版信息 经管 ,2008-10-31
ISBN 0-47037-701-1
Cross-Cultural Selling For Dummies
Michael Lee.经管,2008-10-31.
责任者 Hopkins, Tom.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ,2012.
ISBN 9781118065938 :
Selling all-in-one for dummies /
Hopkins, Tom..John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,,2012..
责任者 Deniz Olmez
出版信息 计算机 ,2020-06-26
ISBN 1-119-68933-3
Selling On Amazon For Dummies
Deniz Olmez.计算机,2020-06-26.
责任者 Eric Tyson
出版信息 经管 ,2018-02-23
ISBN 1-119-43423-8
Selling Your House For Dummies
Eric Tyson.经管,2018-02-23.
责任者 Kench, Ben.
出版信息 For Dummies, a branded imprint of Wiley, ,2013.
ISBN 9781118489437 :
Selling for dummies /
Kench, Ben..For Dummies, a branded imprint of Wiley,,2013..
责任者 Tom Hopkins
出版信息 经管 ,2015-02-20
ISBN 1-118-96723-2
Selling For Dummies, 4Th Edition
Tom Hopkins.经管,2015-02-20.
责任者 Krijn Soeteman
出版信息 经管 ,2012-01-13
ISBN 1-118-06593-X
Selling All-In-One For Dummies
Krijn Soeteman.经管,2012-01-13.
责任者 by Tom Hopkins.
出版信息 John Wiley & Sons, Inc., ,c2015.
ISBN 9781118967232 :
by Tom Hopkins..John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,,c2015..