检索条件: Sex ( 主题词 )
责任者 Lara Avery
出版信息 Poppy ,2016-05-26
ISBN 978-0-316-28372-4
A Million Miles Away
Lara Avery.Poppy,2016-05-26.
责任者 Ventura, John ; Reed, Mary
出版信息 Wiley ,2009
ISBN 978-0-47041-151-3
Divorce for Dummies
Ventura, John ; Reed, Mary.Wiley,2009.
责任者 Judy Blume
出版信息 Pan Books ,2005
ISBN 978-0-330-39780-3
Judy Blume.Pan Books,2005.
责任者 Alter, Robert Mark ; Alter, Jane
出版信息 Grand Central Publishing ,2007
ISBN 978-0-44669-525-1
Good Husband, Great Marriage: Finding the Good Husband...in the Man You Married
Alter, Robert Mark ; Alter, Jane.Grand Central Publishing,2007.
责任者 Christia Spears Brown
出版信息 ,2020-12-11
ISBN 978-1-108-81274-0
Gender in Childhood
Christia Spears Brown.,2020-12-11.
责任者 Jerrold E. Hogle
出版信息 ,2014-04-12
ISBN 978-1-107-67838-5
The Cambridge Companion to the Modern Gothic
Jerrold E. Hogle.,2014-04-12.
责任者 Michael Schoenfeldt
出版信息 ,2010-07-10
ISBN 978-0-5217-0507-3
The Cambridge Introduction to Shakespeare's Poetry
Michael Schoenfeldt.,2010-07-10.
责任者 Leonard, Linda Schierse
出版信息 Swallow Press ,2014
ISBN 978-0-80401-158-7
The Wounded Woman, 31: Healing the Father-Daughter Relationship
Leonard, Linda Schierse.Swallow Press,2014.
责任者 Mezrich, Ben
出版信息 William Morrow ,2008
ISBN 978-0-06-125273-0
Rigged: The True Story of an Ivy League Kid Who Changed the World of Oil, from Wall Street to Dubai
Mezrich, Ben.William Morrow,2008.
责任者 Stevens, Tess
出版信息 Hodder Stoughton ,2008
ISBN 978-0-340-96085-1
Sold. Tess Stevens
Stevens, Tess.Hodder Stoughton,2008.