the collapse of the soviet union forced russia to engage in a process of nation building. this involved a reassessment of the past, both historical and cultural, and how it should be remembered. the publication of previously barely known underground and émigré literary works presented an opportunity to reappraise «official» soviet literature and re-evaluate twentieth-century russian literature as a whole.
this book explores changes to the poetry canon - an instrument for maintaining individual and collective memory - to show how cultural memory has informed the evolution of post-soviet russian identity. it examines how concerns over identity are shaping the canon, and in which directions, and analyses the interrelationship between national identity (whether ethnic, imperial, or civic) and attempts to revise the canon. this study situates the discussion of national identity within the cultural field and in the context of canon formation as a complex expression of aesthetic, political, and institutional factors. it encompasses a period of far-reaching upheaval in russia and reveals the tension between a desire for change and a longing for stability that was expressed by attempts to reshape the literary canon and, by doing so, to create a new twentieth-century past and the foundations of a new identity for the nation.
the great slavic medieval epic, the igor tale, recounts the story of a russian prince who leads his men into battle against the mongols. in 1935, soviet scholar p.n. berkov began to compile a bibliography of western european translations of the poem, later followed by several soviet union biographies compiling the works on the epic that had appeared in the russian empire or the soviet union. here, cooper attempts to remedy the shortcomings of previous scholar work: to seriously survey the large body of non-soviet scholarship on the poem particularly western contributions to igor scholarship. originally published in 1978, cooper traces foreign scholarship and translations from 1900-1976 from a wide variety of western and some eastern nations including the united states, great britain, france, italy, poland, japan and many other countries. this title is a valuable resource for students of literature and slavic studies.
(来源indiebound) (1)检索条件: Soviet Union. ( 主题词 )
责任者 Aliya Abykayera-Tiesenhausen
出版信息 Bloomsbury Academic and Professional ,2016
ISBN 978-1-7845-3352-6