检索条件: Statistics ( 主题词 )
责任者 LeBlanc, Hugues
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2006
ISBN 978-0-48644-980-7
Statistical and Inductive Probabilities
LeBlanc, Hugues.Dover Publications, Inc.,2006.
责任者 Blackwell, David A ; Girshick, M A
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,1979
ISBN 978-0-48663-831-7
Theory of Games and Statistical Decisions
Blackwell, David A ; Girshick, M A.Dover Publications, Inc.,1979.
责任者 Jan Theeuwes
出版信息 ,2020-03-09
ISBN 978-1-108-81306-8
Attentional Selection
Jan Theeuwes.,2020-03-09.
责任者 Gregory Francis
出版信息 ,23/05/2019
ISBN 978-1-108-73071-6
Hypothesis Testing Reconsidered
Gregory Francis.,23/05/2019.
责任者 David Niven
出版信息 Harper ,2006
ISBN 978-0-06-115793-6
100 Simple Secrets of Successful People, The: What Scientists Have Learned and How You Can Use It
David Niven.Harper,2006.
责任者 J. C. C. McKinsey
出版信息 Dover Publications, Inc. ,2003
ISBN 978-0-48642-811-6
Introduction to the Theory of Games
J. C. C. McKinsey.Dover Publications, Inc.,2003.
责任者 John E. Freund
ISBN 978-0-48667-549-7
Introduction to Probability
John E. Freund.Dover Publications, Inc.,2003.
责任者 Adam Campbell
出版信息 Rodale Press ,2010
ISBN 978-1905744695
The Men's Health Big Book of Exercises
Adam Campbell.Rodale Press,2010.
责任者 Jackie Clune
出版信息 MacMillan ,2007
ISBN 978-0-330-44251-0
Extreme Motherhood: The Triplet Diaries
Jackie Clune.MacMillan,2007.