the heart is an iconic symbol in the medieval and early modern european world. in addition to being a physical organ, it is a key conceptual device related to emotions, cognition, the self and identity, and the body. the heart is read as a metaphor for human desire and will, and situated in opposition to or alongside reason and cognition. in medieval and early modern europe, the "feeling heart" - the heart as the site of emotion and emotional practices - informed a broad range of art, literature, music, heraldry, medical texts, and devotional and ritual practices. this multidisciplinary collection brings together art historians, literary scholars, historians, theologians, and musicologists to highlight the range of meanings attached to the symbol of the heart, the relationship between physical and metaphorical representations of the heart, and the uses of the heart in the production of identities and communities in medieval and early modern europe.
(来源indiebound) (1)in this book, jaime rodr guez matos proposes the "formless" as a point of departure in thinking through the relationship between politics and time. thinking through both literary and political writings around the cuban revolution, rodr guez matos explores the link between abstract symbolic procedures and various political experiments that have sought to give form to a principle of sovereignty based on the category of representation. in doing so, he proposes the formless as the limit of modern and contemporary reflections on the meaning of politics while exploring the philosophical consequences of a formless concept of temporality for the critique of metaphysics.
rodr guez matos takes the writing and thought of jos lezama lima as the guiding thread in exploring the possibility of a politicity in which time is imagined beyond the disciplining functions it has had throughout the metaphysical tradition--a time of the absence of time, in which the absence of time no longer means eternity.
(来源indiebound) (1)检索条件: Symbolism. ( 主题词 )