检索条件: The mind ( 任意词 )
出版信息 Ilex Press ,201804
ISBN 978-1-7815-7564-2
The Photographer's Mind Remast
.Ilex Press,201804.
责任者 Bloem
出版信息 Yale University Press ,2020
ISBN 978-0-300-25045-9
Berend Strik - Deciphering the Artist's Mind
Bloem.Yale University Press,2020.
责任者 Samuel McCormick
出版信息 University of Chicago Press ,202003
ISBN 978-0-226-67777-4
The Chattering Mind
Samuel McCormick.University of Chicago Press,202003.
责任者 Copenhaver, Rebecca,
出版信息 Routledge, ,2019.
ISBN 9781138243941 (hbk.) :
Philosophy of mind in the Late modern and modern ages /
Copenhaver, Rebecca,.Routledge,,2019..
ISBN 9781138243958 (hbk.) :
Philosophy of mind in the early modern and modern ages /
责任者 Schneider, Susan
出版信息 Princeton University Press ,2019
ISBN 978-0691180144
Artificial You: AI and the Future of Your Mind
Schneider, Susan.Princeton University Press,2019.
责任者 Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn
出版信息 Activale Books ,201609
ISBN 978-0996568937
The White Light
Helena Steiner-Hornsteyn.Activale Books,201609.
责任者 Kind, Amy.
出版信息 Routledge, ,2018.
ISBN 9781138243972 (hbk.) :
Philosophy of mind in the twentieth and twenty-first centuries /
Kind, Amy..Routledge,,2018..
责任者 Janet Levin.
出版信息 Cambridge University Press, ,[2022]
ISBN 9781108925075 :
The metaphysics of mind /
Janet Levin..Cambridge University Press,,[2022].
责任者 Timothy M. Costelloe
出版信息 Edinburgh University Press ,201911
ISBN 978-1-47443-640-3
The Imagination in Hume''s Philosophy
Timothy M. Costelloe.Edinburgh University Press,201911.