检索条件: The politics of happiness ( 任意词 )
责任者 Roberts, Myron.
出版信息 Macmillan publishing company, ,c1992.
ISBN 0023831901
The persuit of happiness : government and politics in America /
Roberts, Myron..Macmillan publishing company,,c1992..
责任者 Michael Rosie.
出版信息 Palgrave Macmillan, ,2004.
ISBN 1403921679
The sectarian myth in Scotland ; of bitter memory and bigotry /
Michael Rosie..Palgrave Macmillan,,2004..
责任者 Paul Slack.
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,2015.
ISBN 9780199645916 (hbk.) :
The invention of improvement : information and material progress in seventeenth-century England /
Paul Slack..Oxford University Press,,2015..
责任者 博克
出版信息 万卷出版公司 ,2011
ISBN 978-7-5470-1690-9
责任者 Jenny Odell.
出版信息 Melville House, ,2019.
ISBN 9781612198552 (pbk.) :
How to do nothing : resisting the attention economy /
Jenny Odell..Melville House,,2019..
责任者 Andrea Sangiacomo.
出版信息 Oxford University Press, ,2019.
ISBN 9780198847908 :
Spinoza on reason, passions, and the supreme good /
Andrea Sangiacomo..Oxford University Press,,2019..
责任者 Niall J. Gannon.
出版信息 Palgrave Macmillan, ,2019.
ISBN 9783319997797 (hbk.) :
Tailored wealth management : exploring the cause and effect of financial success /
Niall J. Gannon..Palgrave Macmillan,,2019..
责任者 Chandler, Robert,,Chandler, Elizabeth,,Platonov, Andrei虇 Platonovich,,Platonov, Andrei虇 Platonovich,,Platonov, Andrei虇 Platonovich,,Platonov, Andrei虇 Platonovich,
出版信息 Vintage Books, ,2013.
ISBN 9780099577256 :
Happy Moscow /
Chandler, Robert,,Chandler, Elizabeth,,Platonov, Andrei虇 Platonovich,,Platonov, Andrei虇 Platonovich,,Platonov, Andrei虇 Platonovich,,Platonov, Andrei虇 Platonovich,.Vintage Books,,2013..
责任者 雷德克利夫
出版信息 北京大学出版社 ,2018
ISBN 978-7-301-29167-2
人类幸福的政治经济学:选民的抉择如何决定生活质量:how voters' choices determine the quality of life
责任者 Polansky, Ronald M.,
出版信息 Cambridge University Press, ,2014.
ISBN 9780521122733 :
The Cambridge companion to Aristotle's Nicomachean ethics /
Polansky, Ronald M.,.Cambridge University Press,,2014..