检索条件: The professionalism ( 任意词 )
责任者 Nunan, David | Richards, Jack C.
出版信息 Routledge ,2014-10-02
ISBN 978-0-41571-315-3
Language Learning Beyond the Classroom
Nunan, David | Richards, Jack C..Routledge,2014-10-02.
责任者 Maister, David H
出版信息 Free Press ,2000
ISBN 978-0684840048
True Professionalism: The Courage to Care about Your People, Your Clients, and Your Career
Maister, David H.Free Press,2000.
出版信息 Free Press ,畅销书
Maister, David H.Free Press,畅销书.
责任者 Verity Campbell-Barr.
出版信息 SAGE Publications, ,2019.
ISBN 9781526441225 (pbk.) :
Professional knowledge & skills in the early years /
Verity Campbell-Barr..SAGE Publications,,2019..
责任者 Bhatia, Vijay Kumar,,Bremner, Stephen.
出版信息 Routledge, ,2017.
ISBN 9781138281783
The Routledge handbook of language and professional communication /
Bhatia, Vijay Kumar,,Bremner, Stephen..Routledge,,2017..
责任者 Worthing, Marcia L ; Buck, Charles A
出版信息 Wiley ,畅销书
ISBN 978-0-47011-515-2
Escape the Mid-Career Doldrums: What to Do Next When You're Bored, Burned Out, Retired or Fired
Worthing, Marcia L ; Buck, Charles A.Wiley,畅销书.
责任者 Brockbank, Wayne.
出版信息 Harvard Business School Press, ,c2005.
ISBN 1591397073
The HR value proposition /
Brockbank, Wayne..Harvard Business School Press,,c2005..
责任者 Hong, Pu | Pawan, Faridah
出版信息 Routledge ,2013-11-15
ISBN 978-0-41562-936-2
The Pedagogy and Practice of Western-trained Chinese English Language Teachers
Hong, Pu | Pawan, Faridah.Routledge,2013-11-15.
责任者 麦克布鲁姆
出版信息 湖南人民出版社 ,1988
ISBN 7-217-00487-X
责任者 Divine, Charlie.
出版信息 Wiley, ,2016.
ISBN 9781119174325 :
Writing business bids & proposals for dummies /
Divine, Charlie..Wiley,,2016..