检索条件: The voyage out / ( 任意词 )
责任者 Woolf, Virginia
出版信息 ,26/03/2009
ISBN 978-0-199-53930-7
The Voyage Out
Woolf, Virginia.,26/03/2009.
责任者 Drew Beckmeyer.
出版信息 Chronicle Books LLC., ,c2018.
ISBN 9781452154855 (alk. paper) :
The long island /
Drew Beckmeyer..Chronicle Books LLC.,,c2018..
责任者 Wheare, Jane,
出版信息 Penguin Books, ,1992.
ISBN 9780140185638 (pbk.) :
The voyage out /
Wheare, Jane,.Penguin Books,,1992..
责任者 McBeth, T. L..
出版信息 Kids Can Press, ,2019.
ISBN 9781771387897 :
The traveling dustball /
McBeth, T. L...Kids Can Press,,2019..
责任者 Michael Wintroub.
出版信息 Cambridge University Press, ,2017.
ISBN 9781107188235 :
The voyage of thought : navigating knowledge across the sixteenth-century world /
Michael Wintroub..Cambridge University Press,,2017..
责任者 Hammond Innes.
出版信息 Vintage Classic, ,2013.
ISBN 9780099577430 (pbk.) :
The wreck of the Mary Deare /
Hammond Innes..Vintage Classic,,2013..
责任者 Susan Holmes McKagan.
出版信息 Rare Bird Books, ,c2019.
ISBN 9781947856240 :
The velvet rose /
Susan Holmes McKagan..Rare Bird Books,,c2019..
责任者 Simmons, Allan,
ISBN 9781107141407 :
The nigger of the Narcissus : a tale of the sea /
Simmons, Allan,.Cambridge University Press,,2017..
责任者 Stevenson, Robert Louis
出版信息 Penguin Classics ,2012-12-25
ISBN 978-0-141-19914-6
Treasure Island and The Ebb-Tide
Stevenson, Robert Louis.Penguin Classics,2012-12-25.
责任者 Zizou Corder.
出版信息 Puffin Books, ,2004.
ISBN 9780142402269 (pbk.) :
Lionboy /
Zizou Corder..Puffin Books,,2004..